新世纪音乐代表人 UCCC音乐导师



中国新世纪音乐代表人物之一。 1990年开始从事流行音乐创作,是中国流行音乐明星制造体系中的第一代音乐制作人,获得包括“中国流行音乐十年成就奖”在内的全国、省、市等各项音乐评奖与流行音乐排行榜奖项30多项。其中《空》《色》《戒》《道》专辑,融合New Age Music的灵性与冥想音乐的神性,呈现心灵音乐难得一见的丰富层次,让空灵在玫瑰的芬芳中流淌。特聘为UCCC 中美禅学院灵性音乐导师。

Weibiao Deng, a famous musician, began to engage in creation and research in fusion music since 2005. He published more than twenty solo albums and created numerous soundtracks. Mr.Deng received hundreds of various types of music awards, including "Decade of Achievement Award". Among them, the seriesof Free And Natural, Substance Desire & Spirit, Sila & Dao and many other hundreds Chan music are the indispensable auxiliary music for meditators and Yoga practitioners now. In the international music market, more than a million for his music has been sold, and over a billion of his pieces have been played. As a representative musician in Oriental Chan Music, Mr.Deng will work together with UCCC to build global market-oriented reputation and music of Chanin an intuitively artistic expression. Chan music is audible for all of us!