UCCC董事 时照学堂 禅师




时照禅师以其睿智、幽默的语言,机锋凌厉的禅问,随和随缘的态度,传播和弘扬中国禅。其课堂和演讲风格随性自在,直接明了,课堂案例皆是当下取之用之,其和学员间的一问一答更为绝妙,让学员于困惑中明了,于深奥中顿悟,直接指向从我做起,认识世界的健康喜悦的生活法门。是UCCC 中美禅学院董事并主要教授师之一。

Guru Shizhao is the founder of Shizhao Dao De Cultural Propagation. At a young age, she met a Buddhist nun who gave her a copy of the Lotus Sutra. She enjoyed doing full prostrations to the Sutra, which led her to realize the clear and empty nature of human experience. Later she became a Buddhist nun in a temple in Qinling’s mountains. She practiced the ancient Buddhism method Damo Yijinjing devotedly, and obtained deep levels of realization of true human nature. Later, she studied Dao De Jing, and realized the profound truth it reveals. “Dao” is the basic principle of existence, and “De” is the true spirit guiding our lives. She vowed to teach Dao De Jing to the public. To help people find a clear path to Tao, she tried out many Taoism practices and health recovery methods. She is determined to bring thequintessence of the Chinese culture to the World. She is a board member of the UCCC and one of its main teachers.