UCCC 太极老师

吴汉樟,陈氏太极及混元太极习练老师。1989年开始跟随陈进鸿师父学习陈氏太极,1998年成为入室弟子。陈进鸿师父为一代宗师冯志强的早期入室弟子,其修练的陳氏太極拳及混元太极拳融合了陈式太极缠丝内功和心意混元内功之精髓,直接表达太极拳的内涵真义。吴老师为人谦和,功架厚实,每周于Palo Alto图书馆有公益太极课,实为太极爱好者的良师益友。
Nelson Ng teaches Chen’s TaiChi and HunYuan TaiChi. He started learningChen's TaiChi in 1989 from Master Gene Chen, who was an early disciple ofGrandmaster of Feng ZhiQiang (Creator of HunYuan TaiChi).  Nelson becameMaster Gene Chen's disciple in 1998.  Through his practice of Chen’sTaiChi and HunYuan TaiChi, he is able combine the essence of Chen’s TaiChi Silkreeling internal force and HunYuan internal energy to express the principle ofTaiChi.  Nelson enjoys teaching TaiChi and sharing his knowledge withother TaiChi enthusiasts.