UCCC董事 美国道家中医药研究院 院长


中医博士,中美禅文化交流协会 副会长/会长,凤阳门中医传人。设立癌症自然疗法基金,十多年来为麻州医院康复医院癌症术后病人,提供太极、气功等自然辅助疗法。

Ming Wu, Ph.D is a doctor of Chinese Medicine and a 20th generation practitioner of Fengyeng Taoist Chinese Medicine – the only one teaching in the United States. He is also a Master Qi Gong and Tai Chi practitioner.

Dr. Ming Wu has studied Fengyang Chinese Medicine his whole life, beginning training with his father Mu Qing Wu (19th generation Fengyang Practitioner) when he was only 7 years old.

He has studied Qi Gong and Tai Chi in China and the U.S. for over 40 years. He has received authentic Yang Style Tai Chi instruction from his Sifu Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu, disciple of Yang Sau Chung. Dr. Wu has been carefully instructing students in Qi Gong and Tai Chi in the U.S. for over 26 years. He has dedicated his life to healing and teaching others how to live healthy lives, and remain present in the moment by practicing Chuang Tzu’s teachings.