
The 2017 International Buddhist Conference of “Rediscovering Gotama”

November 22-29, 2017, Bangkok, Tailand

 Rediscovering Gotama 重新认识佛陀”国际佛学会议在泰国曼谷香格里拉酒店举行

由亚州排行第四的谢国民家族Chearavanont Family 赞助、由美国Sunti世界艺术画廊组织的“重新认识佛陀”国际佛学研讨会,于11月29日在泰国曼谷香格里拉酒店圆满结束。

The 2017 International Buddhist Conference of “Rediscovering Gotama”, organized by Sunti World Art Gallery and sponsored by the Chearavanont Family and TRUE Corporation, came to a successful close on Nov. 29, after 5 days of conference and private interviews since Nov. 24th.

 Rediscovering Gotama 重新认识佛陀”国际佛学会议开幕


Experts and scholars in Buddhism, Indology, history, anthropology, archaeology, epigraphy and philology from all over the world (the US, UK, Germany, The Netherland, China, India, Nepal, Japan, South Korea and Thailand) were invited to the meeting, trying to determine the Buddha’s ancestry, original teachings, historical biography and physical appearance. 

Rediscovering Gotama重新认识佛陀 国际佛学会议 专家学者积极讨论中


In the meeting room of Shangri-La Hotel, participants presented data and evidence, after which they had hot discussion about the disputes and controversies and finally tried to reached a consensus, hard as it might be. 

代表西方考据方法的德国幕尼黑大学印度学研究所的Stefan Baums 博士,以“重新发现佛陀教义——在犍陀罗地区”为题,展示了他自2009年起,在该地区新发现的多张梵文及巴利文手搞拓片,为世界佛学研究提供最新文本证据。

Doctor Stefan Baums from the University of Munich gave a talk on “Rediscovering the Buddha’s Teachings in Ancient Gandhara: Modern and Ancient Approaches”, in which he presented a large number of manuscript photos in Sanskrit and Pali. The data he showed is valuable for Buddhist studies.



Dr. Stefan Baums

Expert in Gandhari, Pali,and Sanskrit Buddhist Scriptures甘达瑞、帕利和梵文佛经上的专家

Teaching in the University of Munich在德国幕尼黑大学任教

同样来自德国的弗莱堡大学印度学的Harry Falk 教授,带来“佛陀遗迹在比普罗瓦地区佛塔上的印记”题目,展示了他对作为有争议的佛陀出生地之一的比普罗瓦地区,多年来深入研究收集到的大量当地古迹及佛塔碑拓文字的图片,以历史学的视角,丰富了佛陀作为菩提达多的身份的真实性。

Professor Harry Folk from the University of Freiburg talked about “The Stupa at Piprahwa and the Ashes of the Buddha” , in which he demonstrated the distribution of ashes and relics of Buddha in different places originated from the birthplace of Gotama Lumbini. Besides he showed a lot of pictures of relics and stupa at Poprahwa. His historical perspective shed light on the identity of Gottama as a human being.


Dr. Harry Falk  


The world’s leading authority on ancient Indian languages and an expert on Ashokan inscriptions, sites, and artifacts.


 来自美国乔治梅森大学的艺术史专家Robert DeCaroli 教授,以“佛陀形象的起源与发展”为题,通过大量图片,展现不同时期各地区佛陀形象的包括肢体、动作、服饰、动作等的千姿百态,解释了释伽牟尼去世前五六百年间,佛陀不造像的原因;及从公元二、三世纪后,开始造像,其形象多为反应当地区文化特色的观点,提出佛陀的形象塑造,应着重于对当下人们内心的启迪。

Professor Robert DeCaroli from George Mason University specialized in art history. With his talk “The Origin and Development of the Buddha Image”, Professor DeCaroli illustrated the reasons why people didn’t make the Buddha image in the ancient times and started making different kinds of Buddha images after 200 A.D. The images resorted to local culture and taste. 

Dr. Robert DeCaroli

Buddhist Art Historian, Curator of Ancient Buddhist Art at the Smithsonian Institution

Professor in the Department of History and Art History at George Mason University.



Dr. Robert DeCaroli 在重新认识佛陀 国际佛学会议讲解中


Professor Christopher I. Beckwith is from Indiana University. He summarized the core ideas of four historical figures “Pyrrho, Megasthenes, Laotzu and Piyadassi”, whose contribution in spreading Indian Buddhist ideas to other places of the world could be seen. His linguistic and historical perspective clarified the important concepts like “anatta” and “anicca”.

Dr. Christopher I. Bechwith





Chinese Chan master Ms. Suiqiong Wu from US-China Chan College focused her talk on Chan and how Chan deals with external forms, clarifying the difference between “Emptiness and Aught”. With the spirit of Chan, she suggested the artist conforming to the basic traits of a practitioner, such as enlarged earlobes, round halo above Buddha’s head instead of body etc. As to other details such as the hairstyle, clothing, and age…the artist can refer to the local culture, and explore an image that can be a good example to guide the youth.  

Dr. Jeoy Suiqiong Wu 吴穗琼教授

Researcher of Buddhism Research Center of Sun Yat-en University中山大学佛学研究中心研究员

Established the US-China Chan College (UCCC) in the Silicon Valley.美国硅谷中美禅学院院长

重新认识佛陀国际佛学会议 中美禅学院院长吴穗琼教授 讲题:空相与空性

 来自英国的自由撰稿人Mr. Vishvapani Blomfield,以大量文字向西方世界介绍佛教,常受BBC等主流媒体邀请,推介佛陀的正念修行。他为本次会议带来“用证据与想象力重塑佛陀”的演讲,认为想象力与证据在再现并解释何为佛陀的时候,有着同样的重要性。尊重学术客观性的同时,历史学家不仅仅是一个记录者,所谓的公正,也肩负着对于人类适用性的意义寻找。佛雕像的生命力,在于与佛陀思想的内在的、主观的呼应。

English freelance writer Mr. Vishvapani Blomfield has been writing to introduce Buddhism to the western culture. In this meeting he made a emotional speech titled “Reconstructing the Buddha with Evidence and Imagination”, holding the idea that imagination, as well as evidence, has a role to play in representing and interpreting who the Buddha is and what is his spirit. Respecting scholastic objectiveness, he thinks that historians do not just record, but also aspire to find meaning. The internal and subjective resonance aroused from the Buddha’s sculpture injects life to the piece of artwork too.

Mr. Vishvapani Blomfield

Buddhist Historian & Practitioner 佛教历史学家和实践者

 Mr. Vishvapani Blomfield与中美禅学院院长吴穗琼合影留念

印度国家博物馆佛教艺术馆馆长Mr. Satyakam Sen,以“印度的佛像研究:从象征主义到偶像崇拜的演变”为题,以大量印度国家博物馆馆藏的珍贵藏品照片,包括佛塔的造型、佛的脚印、法轮,代表不同诉求的佛造型、不同状态(如开悟时、讲课时)的姿态等等,说明了印度地区的佛像艺术从抽象到具象的历史演变过程。

Indian Museum Curator Mr. Satyakam Sen showed a large number of pictures of the precious items from the Indian Museum, including different stupas, the Buddha’s footprints, kakras and Buddha in different positions and states. His presentation “Buddhist Iconography in India, A Journey from Symbolism to Idol Worship and Beyond ” demonstrated the Buddhist iconography developed from what used to be abstract to become more and more concrete.  

Mr. Satyakam Sen

Archaeologist & Curator of Ancient Indian Art at the Indian Museum 印度国家博物馆的古印度艺术考古学家和馆长

 代表尼泊尔佛学研究权威的特里布万大学佛学院院长Dr. Milan Shakya ,以“尼泊尔艺术史、文学和考古学中的佛陀形象”为题,提出不同文化、不同时期、不同地区的人们所看到的佛陀形象是不一样的。他认为,没有特定形式的佛,艺术也是感受佛的一种方式。从乔达摩生平的叙事中,可以发现他并不强调自己长得什么样。为佛陀造像的艺术目的,在于传达佛陀给人们的力量,而无关乎材料与造型。

    Professor Milan Ratna Shakya, also Chairman and Head of the Central Department of Buddhist Studies from Tribhuvan University delivered “Buddha Images of Nepal Based on Art History, Literature, and Archaeology”. He pointed out that people see different images of Buddha from different regions and cultural backgrounds. There is not a single form of Buddha and art is a way to experience Buddha. The making of Gotama, is more about how to convey the spiritual power, and less about what the materials are.

Dr. Milan Ratna Shakya

Buddhist Scholar Belongs to the Buddha’s family clan来自佛学世家的佛教学者

Dr. Milan Ratna Shakya在重新认识佛陀 国际佛学会议讲解中

 来自印度加尔各塔大学的人类学教授Dr. Arup Bandyopadhyay ,以“从人类学角度研究古印度人的面孔”为题,根据人类族群的遗传信息,分析了印度地区人口面孔特征,包括发型、脸型、眼睛、肤色、嘴型等,并对其作出分类,得出佛陀属于东亚蒙古族人种的结论,挑战了人们对现有佛像造型的认知。

  Anthropology Professor Arup Ratan Bandyopadhyay from the University of Calcutta, India came up with the idea that the Gotama belongs to the group of “Mongoloid of Asian” through his genetic analysis of tribes, including their hairstyle, shape of face, eye shape, mouth shape, skin color, and so on. His conclusion is a challenge to people’s present understanding of what Buddha looks like. 

Dr. Arup Ratan Bandyopadhyay讲解中

Indian Anthropologist印度人类学家 



Rediscovering Gotama重新认识佛陀 国际佛学会议

 Rediscovering Gotama重新认识佛陀 国际佛学会议嘉宾讨论中

 Rediscovering Gotama重新认识佛陀 国际佛学会议嘉宾讨论中




 中美禅学院 UCCC  




